The Sun Run
Race Day Information
The Sun Run will be a challenge in more ways than just running. The aim of the event is to come together as a community and push our limits: we are lucky to be healthy and surrounded by supportive people.
So, here are some frequently asked questions that will give you more information on the day!
What is the event?
The event is a 24-hour run around a track in teams of 4 or 6. one person has to be running at all times, so the suggested format is to run for an hour and your teammate rest for 3 hours on a continuous cycle.
Do I have to run it all?
No, you can if you want to, but you can also walk but it must be one teammate continuously on the track
Can I sleep when I am not running?
Yes, you can sleep if you wish to. But you need to bring your own sleeping bags/blankets/pillows.
How will I stay hydrated?
We will provide water stations, but ultimately you need to be self-sufficient. You will need to bring enough water and nutrition, not only for you to get through the running but also to aid your recovery.
Can I wear earphones?
Yes, but bare in mind other people will be running at the same time as you and you need to be aware of your surroundings. We therefore recommend 1 ear pod or bone-conductor; both of these allow you to still hear everything around you.
Will it be competitive?
Yes, but this is optional. For many people, the challenge is being able to run for an hour and the on top of that having to do it for 6 more hours. A 24-hour hour event is a challenge in itself. However, if your team wants to spice it up, each team member must have a gps watch and you record your distance when you run. The day after the race we will setup a page on our website where you can post the total amount that your team has run (with gps data) and we will have a prize for the winning team that has run the furthest.
When is the event?
Saturday, 27th of April 2024.
Where is the event?
BISB, Primary football pitch and around the school for an exciting loop to run!